Thursday, December 27, 2007

MaYbE I ShOuLd...

Maybe I should say nothing at all since I always seem to say wrong things to anybody. Maybe I should just be a careless person, the one who cares for nothing, including herself nor the people she loves. Maybe I should just nod all the way or being the number one of the most ignorant person of all. Maybe I should be all of the above if those were the things that can make the people, that I love, happy...

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry F***ing Christmas...

Why does it have to be me?Everytime...In the middle of family quarell,I have to step up and put my very f***ing best grin.I mean,I'm glad to do it,but getting tired of it...Tiring if it didnt get better,at all.Why do they don't even want to try,a bit...just a tiny little bit.Everything goes wrong in every one's eyes now.Everybody hates each other deep inside.Now,this is what you call Merry F***ing Christmas...

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