Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What Would You Do?

You know that someone that you care about the most are doing something bad, something really bad that hurt another person that you love the most too. What would you do? Who will you defend, when you cannot defend anyone since each and everyone of them won't listen to you and will consider that you are in a certain side. You cannot take side, right? And... I don't know. I know what she did is wrong, but I won't tell the truth to the other, since I know that there's going to be a real big fight that will ruin our realtionship together. And I don't want that to happen. Am I wrong of doing that?She was sending an inappropriate text to the other through her relatives number that know nothing about the other. I know her relative, that's why I know she did it. There's no coincident like that, right???She'll meet her tomorrow... I don't know what will happen. Hopefully nothing bad. I don't know... I really don't know but I erally don't want anything bad to happen that will ruin our realtionship together. It's ruin already, and I don't want to make it worse... :(Why did she do this??? I know, because she's been hurt sooo deeply that she cannot stand it anymore. But, why can't she just say it straight to her face when she's hurt? Well, she's the type of keeping it to her alone, and just gooooooooooooooooooooo nuts. Is that good? Well, if nobody wants to understand eachother... How can the problem will be solved? Gosh... they're all adults, why can't they just sit face to face and talk it through???

Until The End Of Time

Cloudy sky just stay here
Above my held-up high head
I now realize that you're no longer near
I now realize my faith has now nowhere to lay
The breeze no longer breathe on my face
Nor the wind to sing and pick up the pace
The stormy seas now satisfied
That I have you no longer inside
I wanna touch you one more time
I wanna bet this last dime of mine
I want a chance to say I miss you kind
I want a chance to say...
I will love you until the end of time...

Hand In Hand

Love has always walk hand in hand with my loneliness
In a good way and bad
Sometimes I just don't know what it does and did to my life
But often I say I'm open wide to cherish with all my heart
At times I found out that my loneliness has blindfolded my love
But love has always win and take the loneliness to walk hand in hand again...
When will my love just walk hand in hand with me?

What A Feeling

I always tell myself not to involve my feeling too deep to someone else before you really know them. But it's kinda hard. I always know myself as the one who easily fall in love with anything, not just anyone. Gosh... I'm just making myself too emotional at times... I mean, most of time. Is that a crime? Because sometimes I consider it a crime. Since it wearies my soul a lot. Just keep thinking and denying that I don't actually love em. Just lonely sometimes...But there are times when I just keep on realize that I love him... Keep denying it, but the truth just come back over and over again... I love him. He doesn't know it. I believe. I don't even think that he would care at all. Nad I don't even know if I care at all about he's loving me in return. Gosh... Am I a genuine idealist who always say that I don't want to have another relationship with my friends sice I don't want to ruin the realtionship that is there and good enough to go... or "If you love someone with all your heart, you won't need that someone to love you in return since you love them unconditionally with all your heart..."I thought I won't ever fall in love with my best f riend. I won't fall in love with someone who knows me inside out. I don't want to fall in love with him, I don't wanna ruin our great friendship. I don't wanna lose him. We both agree that we won't let this kinda love to stand in our way. But I can't... I surely can't... And I can't say how I really feel. Afraid that he will push me away... I can't even say I miss him too much too tell...Everytime he shares his pain, everytime he's hurt by his friends, I just wanna hold him tight and say that he don't need to worry cuz he got me ahere and love him for the way he is... :(
I really hope that he could just read my mind all along... And come here tell me what i really need to hear...

Kerja, Kerja, Kerja...

Entering the working world is not as hard as I thought it would be. Well, at least until now. haven't doing anything much, though. But, I think it's gonna be just fine time and time ahead... hope it will.Everybody in High/Scope bandung seems to be nice. Start from the owners and my future co-workers, if I got through the 3 months probation. I really want to get into the high/Scope community a lot. It's really a great opportunity for me to grow, to work and just to everything.Just wish me luck, will ya?The pre-training day...
I didn't do much but to observe and help a little. Well, they didn't ask me much too. But, they'll evaluate that day. But I have mu defense that I prepare if they questioning my action. I'm just so ready... Because I knew I did my best :Dcan't wait for the trainning day. But I don't know what will happen on those days to come

Hard To Be A Mediator

Being a mediator is definitely not an easy thing to do. you cannot take side and for me, it's a pretty hard thing to do. Cuz sometimes, being fair is being mean to the other one, and I don't want that to happen, although it has to. You can always give em explanation why do you have to do it, but it is often not working since emotional people won't think clearly, at least they hard to think clearly and they tend to not thinking clearly if you take them to that certain topic.Ay... Well, at the end of the point, I'm proud being a mediator. It means they trust me to solve their problem and they'll pretty much listen to me... So, I ca ndoctrinize them... HAHA... JOKING!!!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Love is...

Walking in this crazi walk of life
When all the ups and downs are taking side
There's a lot of love that is hype
Just like all the fresh fruits that ripe
Nothing feels so right, it flies
Nothing feels so deep, it lies
Nothing feels so sweet, it bleeds
Nothing feels so tender, it lives
Love is...
Love is there all the time
Among the bittersweet of mine
Love is...
Love is...

Remedy of Love

Can you stop the world from turning?
make time stands still
So sweet things will last from its happening
Can you rewind all the sweet memories
and erase all the bad ones?
So you can live your life with no tragedies
I just want to move on
from this thing that becomes my sweet remedy
Remedy that cures all of my bad memories
Remedy of love
I just want this moment to last

What I Want

In a blink of an eye
I want sonething that is not there to grasp
Something that is not even exist in a glance
Something that is unknown for everybody else
Including me, and a blink of an eye
I want something that I've never imagine before
Something absurd and never been told
By me or even by my whole lots of thoughts
I want to be loved...
not by whomever, but only by love
Love who seems to be distant from m life
Love who doesn't know me, not even try
Love who's diguising into something
Something that is not even exist in a glance
Something unknown, absurd, and never been told

Eyes of My Heart

Open the eyes of my heart
so I can szee your love coming down the line
For my life and yours have just begun
and stay forever this even sweeter in the mind
Open the eyes of my heart
so I can see that sun that's shinning bright
for my life and yours can running wild
and stay forever keep them in our mind
Open the eyes of my heart
so I can see you with the spot of light
For my life and yours join to one
and stay forever in the beauty that we find

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Lay on My Bed

Lay on my bed
thinking exactly nothing
not even you, though I want to
Lay here on my bed
thinking exactly nothing
not even you, the one that sees me through
Lay here on my bed
thinking exactly nothing
not even you, the place that I want to pull through
Lay here on my bed
thinking exactly nothing
not even you
though it's you
I want to give my heart to

I Am Afraid

I am afraid to
think about us
ended up together at last
Sharing lives
Sharing dreams to come alive
Sharing dreams
Sharing lives that live in dreams
Sharing our love
I am afraid
to think about us
Afraid to open my heart
and shout
that I love you very much

Anything About You

If there's something I really want to do
It'll be anything about you
To think of you each and every second of my life
To breathe you in every inhale of my lung
But, for all of the most
is to love you in each and every beat of my heart
I really want to love you
Care for my feeling that haven't sure
If I really do love you...

An Angel's Wing

An angel's wing
Falls over me
and crying for me to catch it
to make a wish on it
and throw it back to the air
hope that it will reach the angel's own
just right on time...
Make my wish come true,
dear angel
So, that your wing's fall
means something more
that is beautiful...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Akhirnya... W I S U D A...

At first, gue kira gue ga bakalan lagi ngerasain greget wisuda karena gue sering banget tugas buat wisuda di PSM. Ternyata eh, ternyata, awalnya memang demikian. Dressed up, da gitu duduk. tapi, ternyata eh ternyata, gue gugup juga. Pas giliran FISIP, perasaan gue langsung dag dig dug. banyak faktor. Tapi, ehm... gitu de, ga bisa dijelasin karena gue sendiri ga tau apa yang benernya gue rasain selain butterflies in my stomach. Hahaha. Terlintas dipikiran gue kalo gue takut tepukan dari anak PSM ga semeriah anak psM yang laen. Tapi, ketakutan itu terjawab... alias tidak terbukti. Ooops... ngaco, ya??? Ehm.. tepukannya meriah juga... Yeah. Thanks guys, akhirnya gue ngerasain apa rasanya disorakin begitu. Walopun gue ga sempet ngeluarin gaya andalan yang gue pikir bakal gue keluarin. Apa, seeeeeh??? Ga penting d... Abis wisuda, gue dikejutkan lagi oleh berbagai hadiah tambahan dari temen2 gue terkasih dan tersayang. huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Gue ga nyangka dapet sebanyak itu. Gue kira cuma dari PSM doang, tapi ternyata... LUCIA juga ngasih. Whoopsee.. .jadi malu!!! Aduh, aku dah jarang banget dateng Lucia, bahkan berani bilang kalo bukan anggota Lucia, tapi ternyata... Love you guys... :D Banyak bunga, banyak kado... tapi yang penting... Hampir semua orang2 penting dalam hidup gue dateng... Mama n Papa, itu jelas, trus ada tante2 yang deket ma gue, ponakan, sepupu yang gue sayang ada semua.... Temen gue juga... Ada NIA... Hahaha... My other sister, that's what I call her now... Jujur... gue bener2 seneng dia ada disini. Hehehe...

Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bgt itu yg gue rasain setelahnya. maklumlah, gue belom sempet tidur... Karena gue mang ga bisa tidur malem sebelumnya. Ampe jem 12 ngabisin waktu ma Ivan, Joyce, Putra, Wimam, Lambas, Satriya n Nia di halaman. Pulang dianter Putra dah gitu. Ga bisa tiduer... dari kamar ke kamar laen, dari lantai ke lantai laen, tetp ga bisa tidur. Huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Alhasil, pagi2nya, agak kurang dapat menahan emosi n sempet ngebentak Papa yang agak banyak tanya. Hehehe... Maaf, ya, Pa.. Love you... :D Tapi berhasil lewat. Foto2 syudio, malah jadi foto keluarga. Eh... tau, ga??? Gue ga fotogenik bgt disitu. Smua posenya kaya orang kaget. Huahahahahahahaha..> Dong2.. Da gitu, kaya ibu2 pula... Ah... sutralah... Mo diapain lagi. Hahahahahahaha...

Apa laghi yg lucu ya??? Ehm,,, nyanyi BUNDA... gemeter... itu mah bukan lucu, tapi sidah biasa... Hehehe... Tapi akhirnya nggak kok...:D

kayaknya... tapi MOHON DIRInya ancuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur bgt. Hehehehehehehehehe....

Duh... sutralaya... :D

Oh... satu lagi... Hehehe... gue wisuda bareng satu gebetan terakhir gue... Hayo sapa???